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Application Open for 2024 Cohort

Deadline: 12th July, 2024

About the Fellowship for Emerging Empathic Leaders Program

My Emotions Matter invites applications for FEEL, Fellowship for Emerging Empathic Leaders Program 2024. The Fellowship is an opportunity for young aspiring leaders to cultivate self-awareness and empathy skills through an Emotional Intelligence curriculum that enables reflective learning, an immersive professional engagement, and impactful action projects for hands-on growth and contribution. Fellows will learn about what it means to be an Empathic Leader and bring their learnings to practice in the form of an action project simultaneously with their workshops. In addition to learning from Leaders, Leadership Trainers, the Fellows will be exposed to various frameworks and best practices in Emotional Intelligence, and offered an opportunity to become familiar with the work of My Emotions Matter and develop their Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Fellows will work on Individual Action Projects under supervision and develop a case study on Leadership in an area chosen by them. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Fellows are expected to use their holistic understanding and experience in the communities, organizations or sectors they return to.

The theme for the FEEL'24 is 'Emotional Literacy in Education.'


Our objective is to build a cohort of emotionally intelligent and emotionally aware Leaders and Community Shapers in order to create effective leaderships in communities, institutions and organizations. The fellowship wants to expand on and establish Emotional Intelligence as an integral part of Leadership conversations in any sector. This will be done by providing the fellows with extensive training, mentorship, networking and courses to enrich their understanding of leadership, more specifically, empathic leadership.


Learn from Leaders and their experiences on what it means to be Empathic Leaders.

Peer Learning

Exchanges with other fellows of the cohort to share knowledge and support each other.

Expert Sessions

In-depth sessions on relevant topics with high-class experts.

Action Projects

Exercise the lessons learned from the sessions to share about Emotional Literacy in education settings.

One-to-One Coaching

One-to-one support and guidance for your learnings and successfully completing your projects.

EI Workshops

Become a part of reflective workshops where you reflect and learn about what it means to be Emotionally Intelligent.

Who is the Fellowship for?

Do you find yourself ticking the checkmarks below? Apply!

  • Must be between the ages of 18 and 26
  • Availability part-time (15-20 hours per week)
  • Commitment to participating in all modalities of the program (online learning platform, one-on-one check-ins, group learning spaces, etc.)
  • Willingness to commit 4 months to the fellowship program
  • Is committed to learning and developing leadership skills through the lens of Emotional Intelligence
  • Is valued as a positive contributor to current institution, organization and the community, and has strong leadership potential
  • Is experienced with collaboration technologies (webinars, document sharing)
  • Seeks and values a collaborative approach when working with others
  • Experience in teamwork
  • Demonstrated leadership in college/university, community or in professional field
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • The applicant should have knowledge of both English and Nepali languages
  • In addition, a commitment to complete all the modules in the predefined timeline
  • Cognizant to Zoom etiquette (camera, audio, chat- settings)

Fellowship Details

  • Application Deadline: 12th July, 2024
  • Fellowship Timeline: August - December

Cost and Expenses

  • The Fellowship for Emerging Empathic Leaders is offered free of charge to make the program accessible to all candidates.
  • My Emotions Matter, the organizer, will also cover the costs of program tools, e-modules, speakers and additional program expenses during the fellowship period.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I apply for the fellowship?

Applications are open for FEEL 2024 till the 12th July, 2024. Please apply by clicking here and filling out the application form.

When will I be notified about the results of my application?

The Program Team will contact applicants by end of the day, 19th July 2024 to let them know whether they have been selected for an interview.

How is my application reviewed?

The Program Team reviews all of the applications and selects a pool of finalists for further review and evaluates all finalist applications through interviews.

Will the fellows get paid?

No, Fellows will not receive any grants from the fellowship program. However, the organizer will cover the costs of program tools, e-modules, speakers and additional program expenses during the fellowship period.

What is included in the fellowship?

The fellowship integrates Leadership Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Sessions, and Peer-to-Peer Learning. This will include ongoing skill-building and training opportunities from facilitators. Fellows will receive guidance in developing and executing individual assignments. They will also find space to exercise leadership through collaborative initiatives, which will eventually help them grow and contribute to the community through an action project.

What can we expect in the Action Project?

The translation of the fellow's empathic leadership and advocacy into an impactful agency/project that helps the fellow in identifying a specific community problem, planning possible solutions, and trying to implement the solution that best works within their chosen community.

What are the requirements of a fellow, beyond the Action Project?

Fellows are expected to set aside approximately 15-20 hours per week to engage with all aspects of the program. This includes in-person or virtual office hours, weekly sessions, assignments and presentations, monthly coaching sessions, monthly team learning circle, and quarterly alumni meet. These engagements are dedicated to help Fellows cultivate the skills and dispositions they learn in the curriculum.

What is the time commitment in the program?

The five-month program 15-20 hours per week to engage with all aspects of the program with potential social or optional programming outside of these hours. Active and engaged participation is key to creating a meaningful Fellowship experience and therefore, we advise the Fellows to attend mandatory sessions each week.

Do I have to take time off from school/work in order to apply?

No. The Fellowship is structured so that you can pursue your academic studies or professional responsibilities throughout the Fellowship period. That said, we are looking for candidates who are able to set aside about 15-20 hours per week to engage in all aspects of the program.

Am I required to turn my camera on during the virtual sessions?

Yes, it is compulsory to turn on the camera during the online sessions, we expect full participation and engagement from our fellows.

What do fellows require during the program?

Fellows will need access to a computer, stable internet connection, and a quiet environment during the program hours for virtual sessions. They also need to make sure not to schedule other commitments during the expected in-person office hours, onsite sessions, and virtual sessions.

How many fellows will be selected for a cohort?

We will be taking 3 fellows for the 2024 cohort.

How will this fellowship impact long-term career prospects?

Fellowship will help bolster a person's professional credentials, individuals who become a part of this fellowship can add the experience to their portfolio, which is a well-sought aspect for professional and personal opportunities.

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